
Celebrating yourself is an important part of self-care and can help boost your confidence and self-esteem

Celebrating yourself is an important part of self-care and can help boost your confidence and self-esteem. Celebrating yourself is not about being boastful or vain. It’s about recognizing your worth and acknowledging the hard work and dedication that you put into your life. So go ahead and celebrate all the amazing things that make you uniquely you! Acknowledge your accomplishments: Take time to recognize and celebrate your achievements, no matter how big or small. Write them down and reflect on…

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Empowering yourself as a woman

Empowering yourself as a woman involves taking ownership of your life, creating your own opportunities, and becoming confident and assertive in your actions and decisions. Here are some tips to help you get started: Remember, women can achieve anything they set their mind to with determination, hard work, and a positive attitude. Empowerment starts with self-belief, and by making efforts to become more confident, assertive, and proactive, you can achieve anything you set yourself to do.

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Digital Skills Development

Digital skills development involves acquiring the knowledge and abilities necessary to effectively use digital technologies, tools, and platforms. As technology continues to evolve and become increasingly integrated into our daily lives, digital skills have become an essential component of a well-rounded education and professional profile. There are many different ways to develop digital skills, including: Developing digital skills requires persistence, commitment and patience. However, with the right resources and a growth mindset, anyone can acquire these skills and stay competitive…

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DigitALL : Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality

When women succeed, societies, businesses and economies thrive. #passionbakers. We took digital marketing skills to more than 250 bakers in Zimbabwe. For women, success in e-business increasingly depends upon leveraging digital skills training, mentorship and coaching on how they can adopt technology in their businesses. The rapid spread of digital technologies has created new opportunities for women and increased their participation in the digital economy regardless of area of expertise. We wish all these bakers success in marketing their businesses…

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Becoming the Brand called You in the Digital Space

Becoming the Brand called You in the Digital Space Be a thought leader A thought leader is the go-to person in a particular field of expertise. They are trusted sources who move and inspire people with innovative ideas; turn ideas into reality, and show you how to replicate their success. Develop your brand personality Your brand personality comes to life when you associate the brand with human traits or characteristics. These characteristics give the brand visibility which helps increase brand…

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Accelerating Digital Inclusion for women in Zimbabwe.“DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality” is the 2023 theme for International Women’s Day.

Bringing women and other marginalized groups into technology results in more creative solutions and has greater potential for innovations that meet women’s needs and promote gender equality. TofaraOnline has two programs they are running to make sure every woman learns and adopts technology for business and career development. Tech-Driven Entrepreneur Program – The programme trains women-owned MSMEs in digital marketing to improve female entrepreneurs’ digital marketing skills and access to international trade and markets. Digital Skills Incubation Program –…

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Relievers Funeral Services

We begin yet another exciting journey with Relievers Funeral Services as we empower them with an outstanding digital presence. What’s fascinating about this company is it was founded by a woman and run by mostly women. Relievers Funeral Services aims to be the most affordable and reliable funeral services provider in Zimbabwe and across borders through delivering quality and dignified services that bring relief. If you are thinking of getting a funeral policy, like and follow the page for more…

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Gemma Levy A Young Ecommerce Entrepreneur

I met Gemma Levy a young ecommerce entrepreneur, founder of who is a member of the community. She is based in USA but empowering Zimbabwean women. Moio’s mission is simple, they seek to bridge the gap between Zimbabwean craftspeople and the global marketplace through the sale of beaded bracelets. The Covid-19 pandemic revealed the fragility of Zimbabwean artisans’ tourism-reliant businesses. With deep ties to Zimbabwe, Gemma and her team were in a position to expand artisans’ customer base…

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Our Panel

Eleni Giokos CNN Correspondent was the moderator of our panel discussion. Being selected to be a speaker among 200 plus great global leaders listed on this link – has been a life time experience for me. Just going through the World Government Summit website made me to appreciate even more the opportunities that have come along the way as I build the TofaraOnline brand. Being recognized and appreciated in the global space is what we should desire and work…

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World Government Summit

It was an honour being invited and hosted by Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala at the World Government Summit – القمة العالمية للحكومات in Dubai to participate in a high-level session on digital trade transformation. Together with other Young African Digital Entrepreneurs , we had a panel discussion on “Making Digital Trade Work for All”. The goal of the session was to talk about opportunities for Africa arising from digital trade , how we are taking advantage of digital trade opportunities and…

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