
Digital Marketing Mediocrity

We want the results but we are not willing to do what it takes. #mediocrity Our mediocre mentality never allows us to become extraordinary. Understand that digital marketing mediocrity is a choice . Always work hard towards improvement and put extra efforts in your digital marketing because extra efforts will give you everything extra. Just before the new year I had a terrible cough which made me to go see the doctor, I was in pain. After the doctor’s consultation…

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Technological solutions permeates every aspect of our society.

Technological solutions permeates every aspect of our society, it defines the way we live , how we build our products and how we work . Not only does technology drive our economy but it invents our future. This is why we are encouraging the greater population ie women to embrace technology and digital marketing for business and career development. Today I celebrate Sottovoce Ruach for ordering her 50 social media graphics for her consistent content posting. 2023 is a year…

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Equals in Tech Awards – Leadership in SME Category

Among more than 155 nominations received by The International Telecommunication Union – ITU – Equals Hub, we have been selected as the winner for the 9th edition of the EQUALS in Tech Awards – Leadership in SME Category. Each year, the EQUALS Global Partnership presents awards to initiatives, projects, organisations, and institutions around the world that have displayed extraordinary commitment to reducing the digital gender divide. The Award categories reflect the structure of the EQUALS Global Partnership. They are presented…

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Be who you are and be proud of it

One of the most exhausting things to do in life is to constantly seek the approval or validation from others.Our digital skills incubation program gives mentees an opportunity to write down their weakness, obstacles for growth and what they think stops them from pursuing their dreams . One of the most common response is “ I always seek validation from people”We often find ourselves in a loop hole , going round and round because every time we think of making…

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Mental health awareness

Women who refuse to be sexually abused in the workplace are suffering in silence. #mentalhealthawareness It is easier to report sexual harassment in the workplace than reporting victimization which comes as a result of refusing to be sexually abused by those in authority.We are not ready to talk about this , but waking up every day to face a monster in the workplace is one thing we all dread. Women are suffering in silence because the job is their source of…

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Mainstreaming Digital Skills in Zimbabwe

Mainstreaming Digital Skills in Zimbabwe #tofaraonlineYouth unemployment in Zimbabwe is a national crisis that demands urgent, innovative, and coordinated action. Young people from colleges and universities are often excluded from the labour market due to stagnated economic growth, coupled with skills mismatches as well as other challenges. TofaraOnline committed to creating Decent Jobs for Youth to impact on youth employment in support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. #decentjobsforyouths. Across the world, many groups and organizations are working to…

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Building your Brand

Let go off some habits as you build your brand, `because one day they might cost you.Growing up we had this habit of taking off our shoes when we get into the house . We did it to the extent that you didn’t have to think of it but as you enter, naturally you would take off your shoes . So around 2010 I bought my first car and the company I worked for took us out for lunch at…

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Digital skills training-Netone

To provide employees with opportunities to upskill, NetOne has cultivated a workplace culture of continuous and life-long learning. We have embarked on a digital skills training for the Marketing , Branding , Public Relations and Digital Marketing departments of this biggest telecoms company in Zimbabwe. It is important to equip teams with the skills needed to meet the future’s digital demands. I am glad we had ladies taking on the digital marketing and continuous learning for digital skills. When skills…

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Digital Skills Incubation – Ecocash Holdings

Our Digital Skills Incubation – Work Readiness Program was adopted by EcoCash Holdings – A Diversified Digital Solutions Group pioneering cutting edge technology in business operations throughout Africa and Beyond.We had very impactful sessions with graduate trainees in Software development , IS Service delivery , Business Intelligence , Infrastructure and IS Security.This program enables young people to develop a mindset of #innovation and #creativity in the workplace. We applaud EcoCash Holdings for creating an environment that encourages young employees to…

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