When Fortunate Farirai was about to finish her PhD in Renewable Energy in 2019, I remember our conversation where I was telling her about a book I read called The Business World and What School Didn’t teach You About Business. I told her that Titus Mirieri wrote that we are tired of Africans who go abroad to learn and gain masters, PHDs and some come back as professors, but the only thing they bring to Africa is an outcry to the government that they are not being paid well.

I remember vividly telling her “please bring your PhD together with a solution that will contribute to the Zimbabwean Economic growth”.Fast forward Fortunate launched Sustenergy a renewable energy company which is now making waves in Zimbabwe with only 2 years in operation.
I am celebrating her for being a Speaker at the International Renewable Energy Conference, which the president of Zimbabwe graced. While her field is very technical, She is breaking the bias in a male-dominated field, I am glad Fortunate is now the National Team Leader – Green Hydrogen Atlas Africa Project, She led in the Development of a Bankable Solar Thermal Technology Proposal for Zimbabwe, She was part of the team which led the development of the Zimbabwe National Energy Efficiency Policy and now a postdoctoral research fellow on Assessment of Africa’s readiness for a Green Hydrogen Economy.
Our history together can take a book to write but all I can say is, this woman is one emotional being, who doesn’t take life lightly. From a life huddles which taught her to be strong, to impact many lives through the employment opportunities she is creating for women and youths in Zimbabwe. If history was to define her, definitely she was supposed to be deep down in Fourmaira one of the marginalized communities of Zimbabwe where she grew up walking 10km to school.
We are grateful for the opportunity for capacity development TofaraOnline is giving to her team. From The Digital Marketing Strategy, Digital Marketing Training, Content Creation and Management to Digital Marketing Packs. This woman-led organisation is an organisation you should visit and learn about if you want to venture into renewable energy.